We luckily have KG's brother, sister in law nieces and nephew there. They are charmers, let me tell you. I'll just give you a taste of the adorability that ensued that week.
We mostly spent quality time around the house, which is just what you need to feel cozy and refreshed during this living-in-a-van lifestyle. We went out for Mexican food a couple of nights, fed the ducks and rescued (at least temporarily) a baby heron fallen from its nest and enjoyed a relief from the alternative of slowly melting in the outdoor elements.
We got to shower daily, enjoy delicious home cooked meals and relax around family again. We hadn't seen these folks in almost a year, so it was past due.
The saving-the-bird was interesting -- there were broken bodied siblings near it, and it looked as thought it couldn't fully stand. We tried wetting small pieces of bread and feeding it. It would open its beak, but wouldn't take it. KG's sister in law offered we could go to the pet store and buy a syringe and some adequate food. We did! It was still there when we returned, and it took to the syringe like a charm! By the end of its feeding, it was all the way on its feet and strolling around chirping excitedly. We called animal rescue and although the main faction was closed (Sunday) the park ranger told us he got a hold of another local rescue that said they'd come out "later", not sure when... or the others would come in the morning. We left him for the night (he was a baby heron and we were told by the ranger endangered... therefore we couldn't touch it). The kids and their Mother went to check on it in the morning and it was gone... we hoped and chose to assume because the rescue folks came through. And if so, we kept him going until then! A beautiful story. Depending on the true ending. I am told there is an extreme feral cat problem in that park. But either way, we tried.
When we finally had to continue along our journey and end the cozy home environment portion, it sure was tough to say goodbye. So tough in fact that when we got stopped for over an hour in the famous traffic and weren't getting anywhere anytime soon... we decided to go back for one more night and leave well before rush hour the next day.
Although it meant multiple goodbyes (which are never easy with rarely seen loves such as those) the amount of fun those extra hours contained quickly made it obvious the right choice had been made.
Then it was time for.... THE DESERT.
So glad you had some home-and-family time to refresh!